The Bio-Circular Soil Economy
The transition to Organic Farming is a certainty. Chemical use will be reduced and eventually stopped within the next 10 or 20 years.
There are two reasons why this has not happened today - the quality of organic soils and quantity.
Infinity Biological Soils Bioreactor produces climate-controlled, assured weed seed and pathogen-free, optimized biological soils for perfect applications into any soil and for any crops. These Living Soil Fertilizers produce commercial quality and quantity of crops beyond Chemical fertilizer yields.
The Bioreactor is fast. In one week, the technology can produce, in total control, what any other soil technology takes 4 to 6 weeks and mother nature takes two or more years to produce.
Every farmer will want these Organic High Carbon Living Soils in their fields. The crop revenues increase and the value of the farm increases. With the Carbon Source Biomass Trade arrangement, these organic soils are available almost for free to all farmers close to the Bio Reactors. These farmers are then applying these carbon-rich organic soils into their fields to rebuild their natural cultivation capacity which returns atmospheric carbon back into the ground for all of us to benefit.
This is natural carbon capture.
The Biomass Trade with the Infinity Biological Soils Bioreactor reduces farm input costs (fertilizers, pest controls, and herbicides) by 50 - 90%. The farmer produces their own raw materials for their own farm-required organic fertilizers which brings certainty to their supply and quality.
By trading the biomass, the cost of the fertilizers is controlled as the trade is a straight trade for living soil fertilizers for the farm-produced biomass at a ratio of 1:3. The only cost is the growing and harvesting, and supply of the biomass to the Bioreactor.
Rebuilding Soil Health through the immediate application of Organic High Carbon Biological Soils reduces the compaction in the soils. This rebuilds the water capabilities of the soils deep into the ground, a cornerstone of climate change resistance for the crops. The aeration increases and the microbial and biome life activity increases. These are all essential natural organic infrastructures for commercial organic crop cultivation.
A farm with healthy soils is a far more valuable farm than one that uses chemicals. A farm with high carbon soils is a farm built for the future.
A valuable farm is a carbon capture farm.
The Infinity Biological Soils Bioreactor was built to build the perfect organic soils quickly and with absolute quality controls.
All Carbon and Methane are captured and repurposed.
All Weed seeds, pathogens, and other contaminants are neutralized or controlled absolutely within the bioreactor. This is a critical barrier to pathogen spread. It is the critical step to producing organic commercial fertilizers that are free from contaminating seeds that damage broadacre croppage.
All leachates are contained within the bioreactor without any watercourse contamination. These are critical EPA legislative controls coming into force that all other current technology is unable to manage at this time.
The Bioreactor is able to process food waste, manures, civic waste, and all agricultural waste, in fact, anything that was or is organic back into high carbon organic living soils fertilizers.
The Bioreactor is the solution for many enormous waste management issues with no current solution, especially the re-purposing of manures such as chicken and cow waste.
Infinity Biological Soil Bioreactor builds highly active carbon organic living soils fertilizers that rebuild the soil health by literally applying carbon fertilizers back into the fields.
This generates Carbon Credits. The actual term is Fixed Carbon Credits where the carbon is applied directly into the soil where the carbon content of the soil will continue to build by further applications of soil or the use of cover crops or land use changes.
Healthy fields have 300 tonnes of carbon per hectare (80 tonnes per acre) or more. Currently, most farmed fields have under 100 tonnes per hectare or 17 tonnes per acre.
This reduces the water capacities for topsoils from 1800 tonnes to 600 tonnes per hectare in the topsoils and an equivalent drop in deep aquifer water percolation.
Global Topsoil Carbon loss amounts to over 375 billion tonnes of carbon, almost exactly the same amount of excess carbon in our atmosphere causing climate change.
Sponsors, donors, or investors in our projects are contributing to the fastest and most effective climate change solution available today.