One4One Carbon
We had a very simple idea:
Fossil Fuel Companies should put back in the ground one tonne of carbon for every tonne of fossil fuels they take out of the ground.
They profit from extracting the carbon from the ground and causing it to end up in the atmosphere, they should put it back. We should not have to pay.
The good news is that One4One is just the solution that the fossil fuel industry needs to enable it to continue to use its fossil fuel reserves to retain its related corporate value. Without this solution, they will simply be stopped from using fossil fuels completely in the next decade or so. With this solution, they can use their fossil fuels indefinitely.
Equally as important, the planet cannot stand another decade of climate change. How ironic that the fossil fuel industries are the ones who can restore the global carbon balance.
And why should the consumer or taxpayer pay for this environmental damage?
Are the costs prohibitively expensive? Actually, they are the reverse, they build value for shareholders and could even be profitable as a trading entity.
What is clear is that by fossil fuel companies replacing carbon back into the ground at the same rate they take it out, many positive outcomes will happen:
Rural Economies will thrive
The carbon balance will be restored.
Water cycles will be re-established
The consumer and taxpayer will not have to pay
The Fossil Fuel Industry will thrive now and long into the future
The cost of food, energy, and natural resources will stabilize and even reduce.
One4One Carbon does away with nominal future carbon credits (although there is still a place for these) and focuses on delivering physical carbon balance. With 100 million barrels a day of use, this amounts to somewhere around 13 million tonnes of carbon soils to be made a day. That is about a tonne a day for just each one of the farmers in Thailand alone.
Your support is welcomed and very much appreciated. The more subscribers we get, the more sponsors and donors, the faster this solution can be implemented.
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One4One Carbon
Fossil Fuel Companies should replace one tonne of carbon back into the ground for every tonne of hydrocarbon they take out of the ground.
They do this by making soils from waste and giving this soil to farmers around the world.

Perth Project
The Perth Project is a logical starting point for the Bioreactors. The technology fits well with the waste management sector and gate fees along with a mature Carbon Market that recognizes Soil Organic Carbon Methodologies. Australia has one of the most developed and successful agricultural sectors in the world, ideal for the transition away from industrial farming back towards conventional farming methods.

The UK Project
As with the Australian Project, the English project benefits from a mature carbon market, significant waste management volume, and gate fees with a very developed agricultural sector. There is also considerable political ambition to decarbonize the farm sector which this will achieve very rapidly and without burden on the consumer or taxpayer. DEFRA has been informed of the opportunity as has the NFU.