Assured Pathogen and Weed Seed Free Optimized Organic Soil Fertilizers Fast Every Time.
Probably the Only Viable Carbon Capture Technology to Reverse Climate Change

Atmospheric Carbon has increased by over 375 billion tonnes during the Industrial Age. The carbon in the atmosphere has predominantly come from the deep-ground carbon fossil fuels AND the loss of carbon in top soils.
We know where the carbon came from. Now we have to put it back.
Imagine millions of farmers putting hundreds of tonnes of Organic Soil Fertilizers packed with carbon back into the ground to bring them to life again! Better crops, reduced cost, way less pollution and we restart the essential water cycles into the topsoils and deep ground aquifers.
We already know most farm fields need as much as 200 tonnes of carbon to restore their organic and commercial health. There are 5 billion hectares of farmland of which a third needs over 375 billion tonnes of organic biological living soils to bring them back to life, almost exactly the same amount of excess in the atmosphere.
Infinity Biological Soils Bioreactor is the only technology available today that can produce the amount of high-quality soils fast enough and commercially to achieve carbon capture on the scale that the planet and our farmers need.
Our business model is based on your support. It is the only logical way this will become mainstream and effective quickly enough. You can support us by subscribing to our social media through donations, sponsorship, and even membership and funding projects.
We believe that this technology and opportunity must be for everyone.